1 Resort Drive Asheville
NC 28806
1 Resort Drive
Asheville, NC 28806
Want to network like a pro? Looking for strategies to build your career, develop your business or expand your knowledge?
WomanUp is the Asheville Chamber’s initiative focused on women in business who wish to build a strong network of women intent on inspiring one another to achieve individual potential; supporting each other in business endeavors; and creating a legacy through mentorship.
Build Your Network is a hands-on, deep-dive workshop on how to build a powerful network. In one short morning, you will learn and practice using the same strategies networking pros use to build their connections. We will cover easy to implement ideas you can put into action right away, including the 3 MUST-have networks every professional needs:
- Business Growth network – those people in your network that help your business/career grow (potential clients, referral sources, etc.) This network helps you achieve your goals and meet your objectives.
- Professional/Career network – those people that help you excel in your job, provide career opportunity, get you connected in the community and ensure you can navigate the politics of your organization and your community
- Resource network – those people you need to help you get things done. These are the “go to” people for everything (computer repair, connections in another city, dog sitter, golf enthusiasts, etc.) These people “know everyone” are are amazing connectors.
Whether you’re never been to a WomanUP event, or you’ve been to all of them, this opportunity is for you!
You will laugh, and you will learn as you hear from the masters, gain inside secrets and build your personal plan of action to make network development easy and incredibly effective. Build Your Network is an upbeat, motivating program designed to teach you how to crack the networking code. See the list of mentors below, who will be guiding the discussions at each table.
8:00 – 8:30 am – Breakfast
8:30 – 10:30am – Workshop
As an internationally certified coach, speaker, author and business development expert, Meridith Elliott Powell has earned an enthusiastic following among industry leaders across the nation for her ability to help businesses understand – and thrive in – today’s challenging economy. Meridith is also the author of multiple books and articles on the subject of professional and personal success.
This workshop is open to Chamber members and non-members. Registration is $35 per person and is non-refundable. If you register and find you are unable to come, please encourage someone else to attend in your place (it will be helpful if you notify the Chamber by emailing this change to member@ashevillechamber.org).